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So you're looking to filter the water from your borehole to make it suitable for use in your home. To determine the right filter for your needs, you'll need to consider a few factors.

First, you need to identify the contaminants present in your borehole water. This will help you choose the right filter media. The options listed are:

  • Sand, Sediment, Dirt: Sand Vessel Filter or Clino-X Vessel Filter
  • Iron, Manganese: DMI-65 or Clino-X
  • Heavy Metals: Water Softener

Next, you need to consider how you plan to use the filtered water. Will it be for drinking, cooking, washing, or a combination of these?

Finally, you need to estimate how much water you'll need per day. This will help you determine the size of the filter and the flow rate required.

By answering these questions, you'll be able to choose the right filter media and configuration to ensure your borehole water is clean and safe for use in your home.


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2024-04-21 09:11:39 Imran
Hi Looking filtration system for my borehole We use 2000 liters per day Price please
2024-04-30 13:03:03 Monty Struwig
Water filters for borehole use! So you have a borehole and want to use the water in your home as well. Now to get a filter to get the water clean and free of impurities. You need to ask yourself these questions! What is in your water? Iron, Manganese (DMI-65 / Clino-X), possibly also Heavy Metals (Water Softener) Household water, already have Reverse Osmosis system installed, looking at 500 liters usage per day
2024-05-06 06:57:44 Eliot Maila
Please help with information to start small business for water purification system (borehole)water
2024-06-26 09:01:10 Renee de Waal
Want to purify borhole water for drinking and cooking 10 000 liter per day
2024-07-24 12:36:50 Willem
I need to purify borehole water to household standard (cook drink etc)
2024-09-12 11:40:22 anonymous
Hi, looking for a water filtration system for my borehole. We use about 2000 litres per day. I got the water tested already, results came back with total hardness levels a bit higher, turbidity is high and high corrosion. What filtration system should I get for a whole house?
2024-12-07 19:50:48 Vishal
Purifier for borehole price
2024-11-14 06:32:09 Eugene Naude
My Borehole water values that is out of range is the following: TDS = 1445 Calcium = 270 Total Hardness = 450 Please quote me for a filter system to use my borehole water for domestic use
2024-11-27 13:50:04 Greg Plunkett
Hello please contact me as soon as possible I am looking for a borehole filtration system, I have a copy of the test results. Also require a borehole submersible pump kit 0.55kw 100mm. 1200 liters per day was the borehole test results at 54-meters.
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