{{item.currency}} {{pricing}}

{{item.currency}}{{pricing}} {{item.currency}} {{item.normalPrice}}

{{item.currency}} {{pricing}} - Out of Stock

This is used with the Klorman 2000 unit. Comes in a 25kg bucket

For every 1 ppm of free chlorine (FC) in your pool,calcium hypochlorite adds about 0.8 ppm of calcium into the swimming pool water. When the cal hypo is poured into the pool, the chlorine compounds will encounter the microbes and begin to disturb their functions.


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  Please calculate the following and enter the answer.: eight + 2 + 1 = ?

2024-09-20 15:55:56 Deon C Human
Pls provide me with a quote 114 x 25kg calcuim hypochloride chips 65
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